Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bangkok, Thailand to Siem Reap, Cambodia

Well after the first two hard days on the bike I think my body is finally getting over the shock of actually having to do something physical each day and I seem to be getting into a little rhythm again. The only problem is that it is just so hot and humid that being outside in the heat and sun all day takes its toll and I've been dizzy and faint on numerous occasions in the last 5 days of riding. On day three out of Bangkok I arrived at the Thai/Cambodia border earlier than expected so decided to cross over and spend my first night within Cambodia. Things are just never that straight forward as on the way to the border I got another puncture which was annoying then when I got to the Cambodia visa office they tried to scam me for extra money to enter the country!! The stand off and arguing went on for about half an hour before they finally processed my visa for the stated fee and not the additional charges they had just made up. Great, but by this time the monsoon rains for the day had decided to unleash their fury and I had no option but to get back into it, luckily for only a short time until I found a hostel for the night. Up early the next day but after all the rain, the dirt road, which was supposed to be the main highway was now a street which looked more like a mud wrestling pit! Oh well, I thought it would only last until I got out of town then hopefully I would hit the 'real' road. Well, it kind of worked like that for a while anyways, then straight back into even worse stretches of some of the worst mud streets I've cycled to date. The routine went like this, cycling in mud for maybe 100m then stop and find a stick to clean out mud guards and brakes so bike could go again, push bike, clean bike, ride for 10m, clean bike.....until finally sections of the road started to dry out in the sun and again it was back to hard packed dirt roads, which weren't good but better. That night I rolled into a sleepy little village and crashed out for the night hoping the next day the roads would be considerably better. They were and they weren't! The mud was mostly gone but the dirt road was now full of potholes which jolted me all the way into the city of Siem Reap. A pretty cool place with a lively tourist scene due to the temples of Angkor being a couple of kms up the road so I took the opportunity to explore them today and it is truly an amazing site. Anyways, the riding as been hard but lots of fun and has been made even better by village after village of smiling and waving people along the way and an assortment of different foods which included duck blood soup amongst some other shockers. Plans from here? Head south to the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh then after a few days there into Vietnam which should take awhile to get through. Comments and emails are always appreciated whilst on the road so don't be shy!! New photos are in, plus an updated route map so I guess the blog's all back up and running.

Riding Stats
> 11th Aug - 101km
> 12th Aug - 101km
> 13th Aug - 60km
Total - 474km


Anonymous said...

yo yo.
que paso. glad to see that they let you out of the refugee camp. what are you doing for lube to stave off the rust?

i came in fourth in that race. at a chingadera time of 12.53 hrs. only 9 finished out of 38.

any who. thought id let you know. good luck. see ya this winter?


Anonymous said...

Hey pedro,

sounds like fun in the hot sun. Guess the riding should be pretty hard. How is the beer there? Do you get high quality there?

Keep on the good work and as always reach out for the rainbow.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pete,

Another amazing blog and fantastic
photos. The temples look amazing
but the roads look hard to ride
on. Its hard to believe you made
it thru the mud. Hope your new
room mate was kind to you. Always
take care.

Love M & D

Anonymous said...

Hey Bro, nice scarf! The boys in San Francisco asked me for your phone number!!Riding looks full on but awesome sights. Don't go sending me one of those scarves but Dee wants one for Brenna! Laters, Pies